

Image NYC

I spent many years traveling to New York for work.  I really like the city.  It is vibrant, has some amazing architecture, some of the best theatre productions in the world and a selection of restaurants that are second to none.

Image 911 AttacksWhen the 911 attacks occurred, like many of you, I was without words and for a period of time, without the comprehension of how significant an attack this was.  The Twin Towers, home to so many businesses and their employees, were destroyed.  2,976 innocent people died in the attacks that day, and it is a day we won’t ever forget.

I have been back to New York several times since and have gone to visit the memorial 3 times in the past couple of years.  The city and the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center Foundation, Inc. have done an amazing job with this site.  You can visit their website here but I would encourage you to visit the actual site if you have the opportunity to travel to New York.

 2976 innocent people died in the attacks.


In response to 2,976 people being killed in these vicious attacks, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan.  In the 12+ years that that conflict has continued, 3,374 coalition troops have been killed.  In addition, over 11,000 Afghan Security Forces and Contractors and another 16,000 civilians have perished.


There are debates as to the rationale to taking this action but I believe that some action was warranted.  You simply cannot leave that level of an attack to happen, without telling the world that justice will be served.

Last year, 10,228 people died in the U.S. due to being involved in a vehicular accident, caused by a drunk driver.  In Canada, another 1,082 perished for the same reason.  The statistics around impaired driving is an interesting but troubling read.


 Last year, 10,228 people died in the U.S. due to being involved in a vehicular accident, caused by a drunk driver.

I don’t want to compare the two attacks on our society as being of the same type, yet both are actions taken by large groups of people that have devastating results.  The number of deaths caused by people who choose to drive while impaired is significant, to say the least.  As a society, we have to show that we are not willing to accept and are as offended of this cause of death as we are to terrorist attacks or other forms of murder.

As society ages, so does the number of times they drink and drive

Image Age of DUIThat tells me that the education of our society, and the impact of drinking and driving, must start at a young age.  Our goal should be to eliminate the slaughter of our neighbours, families and friends by teaching our children the impact of that decision and by ensuring that the punishment fits the crime.

 I don’t want to compare the two attacks on our society as being of the same type.

Drinking and driving is not a new issue nor is it one that we haven’t seen progress in.  Today, take a few minutes to talk with your kids, your nephews and nieces or your others you may be able to influence.  Teach them about the impact of drinking and driving and how they can make a difference.

 Today, take a few minutes to talk with your kids.

 Brian Bazely is co-founder of Driverseat, a vehicle transportation company.
