Packing for Air Travel

airport shuttle - Driverseat

5 Ways to Build Trust in Your Team

Building trust with your team is critical for productivity, engagement, and employee retainment. The following five tips are methods Driverseat has implemented to build trust in their teams.    -Talk About Yourself- In order to build trust, you must form relationships with those in your workforce. An important aspect for developing those relationships is to


Manifest the Life You Want – Think Like an Entrepreneur

What makes entrepreneurs different?  This is a question I often get from people. It is extremely difficult to articulate exactly what makes someone entrepreneurial, but there are some clear qualities that give them this distinction. The Oxford Dictionary defines an entrepreneur as “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater


Why You Should Become a Driverseat Franchisee

Driverseat is an award-winning company, which strives to out-care the competition and ensure the success of others. Driverseat is a franchise system that has you, the Franchisee, employ teams of Chauffeurs who will then provide services to customers. When it comes to starting a business, many questions and concerns may arise. This is completely reasonable


5 Ways Businesses Use Our Professional Driving Services

The most significant growth in our business comes from B2B (Business to Business). Many business owners, managers or executives are setting up accounts to utilize professional driving services with their Driverseat franchise owner. The following are the 5 most common used services by businesses: i) Airport Drop-off Driverseat drives managers or employees to and back



I spent many years traveling to New York for work.  I really like the city.  It is vibrant, has some amazing architecture, some of the best theatre productions in the world and a selection of restaurants that are second to none. When the 911 attacks occurred, like many of you, I was without words and


Your Car Has Abandonment Issues – Guaranteed to Make You Rethink How You Travel

We are rolling into the colder months, and like many of your neighbours, friends and family, you have started poking around the many available online travel sites to find a great vacation deal. Will it be Cuba, maybe the Dominican Republic, or perhaps you will visit the ancient ruins in Mexico. You’ve probably started to


Entrepreneurship and the Role of the Franchise System

An estimated 2.6 million people are self employed in Canada; that is 7.5% of the total population! Suffice it to say that this number is drastically under-inflated, given the scale of the underground economy in Canada, estimated to be worth nearly $40 billion.  That, no doubt, comprises a number of ill advised entrepreneurs earning their