Graduated Licensing is Brilliant

teenage driver - Driverseat

Graduated Licensing is Brilliant

Over a recent family dinner, I had an interesting conversation with my wife’s parents, her grandfather and my two daughters, both of which have their driver’s license but both of which are subject to the graduated licensing system. My daughters grew up knowing that if you drink, you are not to drive.  Even in the days


Alcohol Consumption Patterns in Canada

Wine is “King” in Canada.  Well, it isn’t yet but it is likely to become King if the current trends continue.  Canada is known as a country that loves our beer.  The funny video from Tim Hicks called “Stronger Beer” speaks to the differences between the U.S. and Canada but focuses on our love of


Transportation Challenges for the “Sandwich Generation”

The Sandwich Generation is classified as middle-aged people who have to care for their parents and their children. The middle generation between the younger and the older generations. For example, one may be classified as a part of the Sandwich Generation if they have an 18-year-old daughter and an 84-year-old mother. My father recently gave