…and now you are self employed.

franchise statistics - Driverseat

…and now you are self employed.

I was recently asked to speak at a conference on how to transition from corporate life to entrepreneur.  Many Canadians and Americans have a dream of working for themselves, being their own boss and making themselves a lot of money, not working to make others rich.  The explosion of businesses across Canada and the U.S.



I spent many years traveling to New York for work.  I really like the city.  It is vibrant, has some amazing architecture, some of the best theatre productions in the world and a selection of restaurants that are second to none. When the 911 attacks occurred, like many of you, I was without words and


Entrepreneurship and the Role of the Franchise System

An estimated 2.6 million people are self employed in Canada; that is 7.5% of the total population! Suffice it to say that this number is drastically under-inflated, given the scale of the underground economy in Canada, estimated to be worth nearly $40 billion.  That, no doubt, comprises a number of ill advised entrepreneurs earning their